Why Me?

Every single client I have is an individual and is treated as such.  No two individuals are the same, therefore I do not adopt a “one treatment fixes all” approach

Client Reviews

"I received the most amazing Thai massage from Coral. I had so much pain in my shoulder and back. After just one session, I could feel the difference. After the second, I was like new again. Fantastic, thanks!"
Lorraine Williamson
"I went for a Raindrop massage at Coral´s and I left feeling so relaxed and about an inch taller! I was absolutely amazed at the results! Coral took the time to explain the process and the effect it would have, and she made me feel so comfortable about using the Raindrop technique that I had heard so much about. I would definitely recommend Coral and her Raindrop massage for anyone who is needing to reset, recharge and reconnect. I know I´ll be going back!
Natalia Edelmann
Wellness Coach
"Living a very stressful life, it was a great pleasure to put myself (and my body) in the safe hands of Coral. She listened carefully to my health issues and then 'prescribed' oils and a massage which had me sleeping like a baby after! I have become a regular Client and thoroughly enjoy the experience and the difference I can see with my health." xx
Ali Meehan
Social Entrepreneur

“Health is a state of mind.  Wellness is a state of being”

“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything”

Why choose “la planta sabia”

  • Experience: Trained in UK, Spain, Thailand and India
  • Reputation: Most of my clients are recommendations
  • Credibility: credited by the IFA (International Federation of Aromatherapy)
  • Quality: I only use the finest therapeutic grade organic oils

What You Get

I have no time limit on my treatments.  Each session is finished when I believe I have done what is required to help you move forward to the next stage

  • Private Location: Total relaxation not in a busy salon
  • Area: A short, pleasant drive from the coast
  • Great Facilities: Comfortable, relaxing treatment room
