Core Values

Because there are so many things in our environment that are not good for us and are out of our hands, its a great feeling when you are able to help someone manage or treat a condition using Mother Nature as it was intended, with natural and organic ingredients to nourish the mind body and soul.

Massage and essential oils including locally sourced CBD oil in isolation or combined, along with some advice, I believe offers my clients optimum results on a variety of health and wellbeing issues.   It is so important to maintain a healthy work/life balance!

We are all different and individuals so each of my clients are treated as such. What works for one, may not necessarily work for the other. To me, its so important to listen and understand who I have in front of me and so I can take anything from 1.30 hours to 2.30 on your first visit with me

My Passion


When you start to REALLY contemplate at life, you realise how important it is to follow your passion – Otherwise what is the point really…Having carried 4 Big Thick Aromatherapy Folders around with me for the past 19 years it was time to take action. So here I am!

Being passionate about all things natural for almost always – sure I was young once and naive and not always thought what I was putting into or onto my body, but never ever did I just pop a pill when I got a head ache or when I had PMT, and I got them often enough believe you me. As far back as I can remember I have looked into natural remedies for any condition.

I have always been known to give advice to the people around me – This is bad for you, this is good, try this, try that…Good home made fresh food, using spices, exercise, the environment you live in, what you put on your skin, breathing well, what you take into your body, how you deal with daily stresses and how you mange your conditions and symptoms has a huge influence on your health. My passion is wellbeing and I knew a bit about everything but nothing about nothing, so when the opportunity came up to take time out and study, there was no question where I was starting.

For almost a decade, I had been working with products that were kind to the skin, non toxic and of course 100% natural. During this time I could see that each year more and more people were aware of the importance of avoiding certain ingredients on their skin – I LOVED SEEING THIS!!! As more and more people are looking into the alternative and being aware.

During this time I had the chance to travel and took 3 months out on two separate occasions and travelled around India mostly, and a little in Thailand the second time. This is where my journey started, in contemplation….



Nature at its best

Calm in the storm

Do you ever feel that your life is in turmoil and you just want to relax and enjoy the simple pleasures and appreciate what you have?

Serenity and inner peace

At certain times in our life, we can feel lost or out of control. It is natural, we all lead busy lives - but it is important to remain true to ourselves and be calm inside.

My Goals

My goals are quite simple and straight forward! I want to use my knowledge and experience to help manage, heal and enhance the wellbeing of my clients. …