Essential oils to help Focus 🌱
Last week we spoke about stress. Being able to focus is an art which can help with our stress levels. If we are able to focus and complete a job well, we tend to feel better about the whole day and sometimes the week!
To Focus is to be able to direct all your attention and energy to one thing or job.
Meditation teaches us to focus as it teaches us to concentrate on ourselves and block any outside noise, whether be it your neighbours loud conversations or your grumpy old cat that keeps miaowing for more food (this is me lol) – sometimes we have to just ignore everything else that is going on in order to focus on what we are supposed to be doing.
Now, I don’t know about you…I can sit down and have the intention to write a blog and a couple of minutes later I decide I need a cup of tea before I start and yes maybe a biscuit too. I sit down again and some minutes later the washing machine is ready, so I better take the washing out. I must then use the bathroom and feed my grumpy old cat – what was I meant to be doing?? I sit back down again and my tea is cold! PING!!! there is a message on my phone and I better check it incase its important – Buffffff….What happened to the day??
Since I decided that my word this year was going to be focus, I have been using my essential oils whilst I work, and hence the reason you are able to read this from me to you😜
There are many essential oils which are renowned to help us focus, however make sure you don´t use any of the oils whose fragrance you relate with a memory as those memories will take over and we are thenback to square one.
Thyme Linalol 🌱Lemon 🌱 Fennel 🌱 Bergamot 🌱Basil 🌱 Cedarwood 🌱Cypress 🌱Juniper 🌱 Lemongrass 🌱Ginger 🌱Cinnamon 🌱Clove 🌱Ylang Ylang 🌱 Nutmeg 🌱Rosemary 🌱
You can use singularly or blend two or three oils of your choice in your diffuser or hankie or even in a massage oil (1 drop to 1ml of carrier) or you can try this blend that has been tried and tested :
🌱Thyme Linalol 10 drops
🌱Lemon 6 drops
🌱Rosemary 10 drops
🌱Basil 4 drops
Get things done! 💚