‘Tis the Season to be Jolly, ‘Tis the Season to get a cold!

Its a stressful time of year for a lot of us and stress can lower our Immune System, which means we are more likely to catch that dreaded cold or flu. Don’t Panic!! You can help combat and avoid getting ill this year.

Here is a powerful Immune Boosting Blend for you:-

  • 8 drops Ravinsara
  • 4 drops Black Pepper
  • 2 drops Sandlewood

This Synergistic Blend with its antibacterial, anticatarrhal, antiseptic and expectorant properties as well as a great decongestant, it is powerful at protecting and fighting bacteria and viral infections. But if I have caught you too late, it can also help ease blocked sinuses or congestion when used in steam inhalation on with your diffuser – you’ve got to have a diffuser!!

Remember that what you put in your mouth is also very important, make the time and ensure that you eat well.